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Responsive BI Dashboards

Business Intelligence (BI) is driving decisions everywhere. It informs baseball managers who should pitch and it informs football coaches on play selection. It leads restaurant managers to more informed decisions on staffing and food preparation. It can track, compare, predict, and tell a story that management could not otherwise see.

Often, BI reports are gathered into efficient, focused, dashboards containing several BI visualizations. Winderup Inc. can create dashboards for your organization, thereby helping your management make better informed decisions.

Responsive BI Charts

Looking Great at Every Size
Today, website creation starts with mobile in mind. This is a complete reversal of the norm from just a few years ago, when it was commonplace to create a "mobile-friendly" site in addition to the standard site.

Mobile Power
Today's Responsive Web Design Technology forces us to think Mobile-First. And when we apply that thinking to BI, we put tremendous power into the hands of busy managers who have critical information at their fingertips, no matter where they may be or the time of day.

Tell Your Story

Data Needs Interpretation
Data isn't the end, it's the beginning. It's the story behind the data which truly helps managers.

Consider a routine overtime chart, reporting a rising trend in OT. The chart informs the manager of the problem, but is the rise in OT due to a bad employee, poor training, broken equipment, or personal drama that is spilling over into work production? BI can certainly smell the smoke, and lead managers to the source, but it's people with boots on the ground who uncover the true narrative and can address the problem effectively. This process happens much faster and with appropriate action, because of BI placed into the reach of managers.

Responsive Charts

Critical Business Intelligence

Widget Sales By Week

Weeks of the Year

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Winderup Can Help

We can build your BI Dashboard to tell the stories you need most:

  • Loss Prevention Reporting
  • Overtime Tracking
  • Sales Trends
  • more...


All of our sites are "Responsive"

Ever view a website on your phone and the entire page renders so small that it's impossible to read anything? You then spend the entire time on the site pinching-in and pinching-out in an attempt to read its content. That is how an outdated website looks on today's mobile devices.

Responsive web design solves that problem. Developers can create a single website that looks great on all devices, from large desktop monitors to smart phones of all sizes. And although it is relatively new, it is an expectation by Google and other search engines. Failing to have a website that plays nice with phones and other mobile devices can result in a ranking penalty for your website.

Every site created by Winderup is built with a responsive web design.

Want to know more?

Responsive Web Design is built on the idea of rows and columns. Large screens will show the maximum reach of those rows and columns. But when smaller devices view your page, the columns stack like building blocks, followed by the rows. On every device, your website looks great and the Google gods are happy.